pone.0252893.g001.tif (1.5 MB)

Gross lesions of CLA in dromedary camel.

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posted on 2021-06-08, 17:28 authored by Abdelnasir Mohammed Adam Terab, Ghada El Derdiri Abdel Wahab, Hassan Zackaria Ali Ishag, Nasereldien Altaib Hussein Khalil, El Tigani Ahmed El Tigani-Asil, Farouk Mohamed Hashem, Abdelmalik Ibrahim Khalafalla, Asma Abdi Mohamed Shah, Salama Suhail Mohammed Al Muhairi

(A) superficial abscesses on the right prefemoral lymph nodes (iliaci externi) (arrow). (B) Incised right inferior cervical lymph node (cervicales laterals) showing multiple caseated caseous pyogranulomas containing yellowish-cheesy martials. (C) Liver showing multifocal-diffused pyogranulomas contained yellowish- cheesy pus. (D) Thoracic cavity showed multiple open large abscesses in the lung with adhesion to the chest wall (arrow).
