ppat.1011815.g004.tif (235.25 kB)

Gray matter vacuolation profiles for sheep inoculated with the WTD scrapie agent.

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posted on 2023-12-04, 18:34 authored by Robyn D. Kokemuller, S. Jo Moore, Jifeng Bian, M. Heather West Greenlee, Justin J. Greenlee

Area codes for specific brain regions are defined in Table 2. Variations in vacuolation scores between sheep of different genotypes challenged with same inoculum and between sheep of the same genotype challenged with different inocula. Similar vacuolation scores were seen in VRQ/VRQ sheep that received WTD cerebrum (sheep 1 and 2). ARQ/ARQ sheep (sheep 3) and the VRQ/VRQ sheep (sheep 6) had lower vacuolation scores compared to the VRQ/VRQ sheep challenged with the WTD cerebrum. Significant differences were seen between sheep 1 and 3 (*) and sheep 1 and 6 (**). Sheep 4 was omitted due to all areas receiving a score of 0 for vacuolation.
