pone.0230854.g004.tif (210.77 kB)

Grand mean of the ground reaction forces (GRF), ground contact times, rate of force development (RFD) and jump height.

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posted on 2020-04-08, 17:30 authored by Andreas Kramer, Jakob Kümmel, Maren Dreiner, Steffen Willwacher, Timo Frett, Anja Niehoff, Markus Gruber

Black dots represent the hops in the centrifuge, blue dots the hops in the sledge jump system (SJS), and red dots the vertical hops on the ground. Red asterisk symbols denote a significant difference between hops on the ground and hops in the centrifuge with 1g, and blue asterisk symbols denote a significant difference between hops in the SJS and hops in the centrifuge at the respective g-level.
