pone.0279082.g002.tif (1.49 MB)

Geographical location and elevation of the Nakdong River Basin in Korea (base map data source:

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posted on 2022-12-16, 18:27 authored by Wanmo Kang, GoWoon Kim, Yongsu Park

(A) The location of the Korean Peninsula in Northeast Asia. (B) Digital elevation model (DEM) of the Nakdong River Basin and its rivers and mainstreams, with occurrence sites (n = 321) and genetic data locations (n = 8) of nutrias indicated as open black circles and closed red squares, respectively. The shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) DEM with 30-m resolution was provided by the USGS Earth Explorer platform ( The genetic data location coordinates were obtained from the study by Kim et al. [28]. River and stream data were derived from the OpenStreetMap database (
