pgen.1011115.s001.tif (923.69 kB)

Genotype confirmation by whole-genome sequencing.

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:29 authored by Rylee K. Hackley, Angie Vreugdenhil-Hayslette, Cynthia L. Darnell, Amy K. Schmid

A: Summary of variants identified in each strain. “X” indicates that the mutation (rows) was detected in a given strain (columns). Strain designations are given in S1 Table. Representative coverage plots confirming chromosomal deletions for (B) pyrF locus for all strains and (C) trmBHar strains. X-axis provides the genome coordinates. Tables report local read depth, or sequencing coverage, for each strain. D: Confirmation of C-terminal trmB-hemagglutinin fusion used for immunoprecipitation experiments.

