pone.0279821.s005.tif (1014.78 kB)

Genomic characterization of matched PDX and PDXO pairs.

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posted on 2023-01-05, 18:41 authored by Xiaoxi Xu, Rajendra Kumari, Jun Zhou, Jing Chen, Binchen Mao, Jingjing Wang, Meiling Zheng, Xiaolong Tu, Xiaoyu An, Xiaobo Chen, Likun Zhang, Xiaoli Tian, Haojie Wang, Xin Dong, Zhengzheng Bao, Sheng Guo, Xuesong Ouyang, Limei Shang, Fei Wang, Xuefei Yan, Rui Zhang, Robert G. J. Vries, Hans Clevers, Qi-Xiang Li

a. Mutation concordance of PDXO across late and early passage analysed by WES; b. Expression correlation analysed by RNA seq. c. For principal component analysis (PCA) of colorectal models we first filtered out low expression genes, then we performed PCA based on the remaining genes. Prior to PCA analysis, gene expression data was normalized by variance stabilization transformations using DESeq2. Finally, we plotted the samples scores of first principle component (PC1) against the sample scores of the second principle component (PC2), while samples derived from PDX/PDXO were grouped into separate eclipses.

