pone.0260878.s001.tif (2.87 MB)

Generation of PodoPalld129-/- mice and confirmation of the podocyte-specific KO of palladin.

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posted on 2021-12-08, 18:29 authored by Nadine Artelt, Alina M. Ritter, Linda Leitermann, Felix Kliewe, Rabea Schlüter, Stefan Simm, Jens van den Brandt, Karlhans Endlich, Nicole Endlich

(A) The specific palladin KO was confirmed by immunohistochemistry staining of paraffin kidney sections. PodoPalld129+/+ mice exhibit strong palladin-expressing podocytes (arrow). In contrast, there is no palladin signal (arrowhead) in PodoPalld129-/- podocytes. Scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) In addition, the palladin KO was verified by qRT-PCR (mean±SD, ***p<0.001; 6 months: Mann-Whitney U test, 12 months: unpaired Student’s t-test).

