ppat.1009712.s003.tif (1.58 MB)

Generation and characterization of Mtb pknF deletion mutant strain.

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posted on 2021-07-29, 17:27 authored by Shivangi Rastogi, Sarah Ellinwood, Jacques Augenstreich, Katrin D. Mayer-Barber, Volker Briken

(A) Confirmation of pknF deletion mutant strain constructed in Mtb CDC1551 by Southern blot analysis: Lane 1, WT Mtb; Lane 2, ΔpknF mutant. (B) In vitro growth analysis of Mtb, ΔpknF mutant and complement ΔpknF::pknF in 7H9 medium. (C) Comparison of PDIM levels in Mtb, ΔpknF mutant and complement ΔpknF::pknF by one dimensional TLC analysis. Data are representative of three independent experiments.

