pone.0252200.g004.tif (597.91 kB)

Gene expression profiling based on functional categories.

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posted on 2021-05-27, 00:18 authored by Yoonhang Lee, Nameun Kim, HyeongJin Roh, Ahran Kim, Hyun-Ja Han, Miyoung Cho, Do-Hyung Kim

Heatmap representing the expression dynamics of 18 functional categories in SPOF3K during incubation. A total of 1,432 genes were classified into 18 functional eggNOG categories (the unknown function category was excluded). The numbers in the heatmap indicate z-score (substitution of the number of significantly up- and down-regulated genes divided by the square of the total number of differentially expressed genes), and the colors display relative expression levels (z-score): green, lowest expression; red, highest expression. The colored bars on the right side of the figure represent the three clusters as determined by k-means clustering analysis, which correspond to the results of hierarchical analysis.
