pone.0262695.g004.tif (962.04 kB)

GPVI expression between control and stroke subtypes.

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posted on 2022-01-18, 18:34 authored by Isuru Induruwa, Harriet McKinney, Carly Kempster, Patrick Thomas, Joana Batista, Jean-Daniel Malcor, Arkadiusz Bonna, Joanne McGee, Elaine Bumanlag-Amis, Karola Rehnstrom, Sophie Ashford, Kenji Soejima, Willem Ouwehand, Richard Farndale, Kate Downes, Elizabeth Warburton, Masaaki Moroi, Stephanie Jung

A) Total GPVI expression (P <0.0001) and B) GPVI-dimer expression are higher in all ischemic stroke etiologies as well as hemorrhagic strokes (P <0.0001). P-values were calculated using one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons testing and the error bars represent the mean MFI of each of the cohorts ± SD. C) Resting P-selectin expression is higher in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (P <0.0001). P-values were calculated by a Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons testing for non-parametric data and the error bars represent the median (Q1–Q3) %PP of each of the cohorts. Numbers in parentheses show the number of participants within each group. MFI = mean fluorescent intensity, %PP = percentage of platelets positive.
