pone.0249068.s001.tif (3.63 MB)

GFP is not expressed in intestinal lacteals or ACKR3GFP/+ reporter mice.

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posted on 2021-04-15, 17:31 authored by Elena C. Sigmund, Lilian Baur, Philipp Schineis, Jorge Arasa, Victor Collado-Diaz, Martina Vranova, Rolf A. K. Stahl, Marcus Thelen, Cornelia Halin

(A) GFP was highly expressed in LYVE-1- CD31+ blood vessels but not detected in LYVE-1+ CD31+ lacteals in villi of the small intestine. Scale bar: 100μm. (B) Higher magnification of a single villi in the duodenum. Scale bar: 30μm. Representative images of one experiment with n = 3 animals.

