ppat.1011716.s006.tiff (9.93 MB)

Fusion transcripts between HTLV-1 provirus and host genome.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 18:46 authored by Hiroko Yaguchi, Anat Melamed, Saumya Ramanayake, Helen Kiik, Aviva Witkover, Charles R. M. Bangham

(A) Identification of splice sites of fusion transcripts in the plus-strand-expressing cells of clone d2EGFP-11.63 and (B) in timer protein reporter clone Timer-3.60. Plus-strand fusion transcripts between HTLV-1 exon1 (H1) and same sense, 3′ side host gene exon (blue) or novel host exons (green) are shown with fused sequences.

