pone.0295142.g004.tif (1.32 MB)

Functional connectivity and cognitive scores.

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posted on 2024-03-13, 17:28 authored by Alfonso Fajardo-Valdez, Vicente Camacho-Téllez, Raúl Rodríguez-Cruces, María Luisa García-Gomar, Erick Humberto Pasaye, Luis Concha

A) Significant associations between FC and cognitive scores in all participants (GLM) and B) associations between FC and cognitive scores with significant group interaction (ANCOVA). In the matrices, colored cells depict significant F-test values (p < 0.05). Scatter plots on the right side are shown to illustrate the linear relationships or group interactions between node-node pairs and cognitive scores (all scatter plots are available in S4C and S4D Fig). Functional connectivity is expressed as Fisher’s z. Pearson coefficients and p-values are shown color-coded for significant group-specific correlations. At the bottom, spatial representations of significant associations are depicted. Light-red colored spheres represent DMN nodes and blue colored spheres represent TPN nodes. Size of spheres (nodes) is proportional to the frequency of involvement of a given node in any significant association. The thickness of sticks (edges) is proportional to the frequency of involvement of a given node-node pair in any significant association. Results for GLM and ANCOVA models adjusted for clinical information are shown in S4E Fig.
