pone.0271707.s001.tif (1.19 MB)

Full-length ApoE4 does not induce toxicity in zebrafish embryos.

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posted on 2022-12-15, 18:55 authored by Madyson M. McCarthy, Makenna J. Hardy, Saylor E. Leising, Alex M. LaFollette, Erica S. Stewart, Amelia S. Cogan, Tanya Sanghal, Katie Matteo, Jonathon C. Reeck, Julia T. Oxford, Troy T. Rohn

Representative images displaying morphological effects following treatment with either 50 μg/ml full-length ApoE4 (B) or nApoE41-151 (C) indicated that full-length ApoE4 showed little effects on morphology as compared to non-treated controls (A). Embryos treated with full-length ApoE4 resulted in 13/15 fish had exiting their chorion. In contrast, significant morphological effects (arrow, C) and mortality were observed in the nApoE41-151-treatment group (D). Data are representative of three independent experiments (N = 5 per group). No significant difference was observed in mortality between non-treated controls and full-length ApoE4 (p = 0.19). Significant mortality (93%) was observed in the nApoE41-151-treatment group (p = .000076).

