pcbi.1010557.s001.tif (107.54 kB)

Frontal ROIs selected for EEG data for both studies.

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posted on 2023-12-13, 18:37 authored by Arnaud Poublan-Couzardot, Françoise Lecaignard, Enrico Fucci, Richard J. Davidson, Jérémie Mattout, Antoine Lutz, Oussama Abdoun

A: Study 1 EGI GSN200 system 128 electrodes layout, plotted on a head template. The frontal ROI is highlighted, comprising twelve frontal electrodes, including Fz. B: Study 2 Biosemi Active Two system 64 electrodes layout. For this study the selected ROI comprised only five frontal electrodes, also including Fz.

