pone.0280377.g002.tif (650.2 kB)

Forest plot analysis of the changes of organoleptic measurement.

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posted on 2023-01-12, 18:42 authored by Eszter Szalai, Péter Tajti, Bence Szabó, Péter Hegyi, László Márk Czumbel, Saghar Shojazadeh, Gábor Varga, Orsolya Németh, Beata Keremi

a. between baseline and within one day with and without ClO2 mouthwash. b. between baseline and within one week with and without ClO2 mouthwash. c. between baseline and within two weeks with and without ClO2 mouthwash. MD: Mean difference; CI: Confidence interval; SD: Standard deviation; ClO2: chlorine dioxide; OLS: organoleptic test scores.
