pone.0293239.g002.tif (2.15 MB)

Forensic electoral fingerprints for the two rounds of the 2023 presidential election.

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posted on 2023-11-15, 18:21 authored by Peter Klimek, Ahmet Aykaç, Stefan Thurner

The fingerprints for (A) first round and (B) second round show joint vote-turnout distributions with color intensity encoding the number of ballot boxes with a given vote (y-axis) and turnout (x-axis). For both elections, we find a visible correlation in the region of high vote and turnout (e.g. more than 80%), which can be associated with ballot stuffing. A box plot (red horizontal boxes) shows the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of voter turnout as a function of votes (whiskers indicate the 95% confidence interval). (C) To adjust for regional characteristics, the fingerprints can be adjusted by rescaling the vote and turnout shares by their typical levels in the unit’s region, resulting in the standardised fingerprint shown. (D) Traces of voter coercion can be identified by comparing the standardised fingerprints of small (red lines) and large (blue) units, as voter coercion results in their being shifted towards inflated votes and turnout, as observed here. (E,F) The standardised fingerprints of the second round are similar to those of the first round.
