pone.0259937.s008.tif (591.31 kB)

Fold-change of log2 abundances, measured for fungal OTUs assigned to phyla, comparing no nutrient addition (NNA) between Setaria italica accessions A3 and A4 in the ectorhizosphere.

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posted on 2021-12-08, 18:23 authored by Matthew J. Peterson, Pubudu P. Handakumbura, Allison M. Thompson, Zachary R. Russell, Young-Mo Kim, Sarah J. Fansler, Montana L. Smith, Jason G. Toyoda, Rosey K. Chu, Bryan A. Stanfill, Steven C. Fransen, Vanessa L. Bailey, Christer Jansson, Kim K. Hixson, Stephen J. Callister

