pone.0252274.g001.tif (180.21 kB)

Flowchart describing the process of assigning patients to the directly observed therapy-group (DOT) or "standard setting" (SS).

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posted on 2021-06-04, 17:32 authored by Caroline Schmidbauer, Michael Schwarz, Angelika Schütz, Raphael Schubert, Cornelia Schwanke, Enisa Gutic, Roxana Pirker, Tobias Lang, Thomas Reiberger, Hans Haltmayer, Michael Gschwantler

Abbreviations: IDU, intravenous drug use; OAT, opioid agonist therapy; DAA, direct acting antivirals; SS, standard setting; DOT, directly observed therapy. Patients without a history of intravenous drug use (IDU) presenting at the tertiary care center were assigned to the SS-group. Also, patients with a history of IDU and presumed excellent compliance concerning adherence to DAA-therapy presenting at the tertiary care center or at the low-threshold facility were treated according to the SS. Patients on OAT with presumed high risk of non-adherence to DAA-therapy according to a unanimous decision between the members of the interdisciplinary evaluation team were assigned to the DOT-group. In case of different opinions among the evaluation team members concerning patients’ presumed compliance, the DOT setting was selected.
