pone.0246627.s001.tif (283.13 kB)

Flow cytometry gating strategy and purity of cell preparations.

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posted on 2021-02-10, 18:42 authored by Bert Rutten, Simon Young, Magdalena Rhedin, Marita Olsson, Nisha Kurian, Farhat Syed, Augusta Beech, Mark Fidock, Paul Newbold, Dave Singh, Adam Platt, Glen Hughes

Samples of sorted eosinophils, neutrophils monocytes were stained with antibodies for cell surface markers and analysed by flow cytometry on a Fortessa FACS instrument. Single cells in the cell gate of the FSC-H vs SSC-H plot were gated for specific markers: CDw125+/CD16- eosinophils, 99.5% pure; CDw125-/CD16+ neutrophils, 99.8% pure; CD14+ monocytes, 97.0% pure.

