pone.0258316.g001.tif (486.31 kB)

Flow cytometric analysis of CXCR3 versus CCR6 of live CD4+ cells at day 6 of culture was used to characterize the Th1-like and Th17-like cell populations.

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posted on 2021-10-21, 17:30 authored by Paul A. Wilson, Sara Santos Franco, Liu He, Nicholas W. Galwey, Jackie Meakin, Rebecca McIntyre, Simon M. McHugh, Michael A. Nolan, Sarah L. Spain, Thaddeus Carlson, Mercedes Lobera, Justin P. Rubio, Bill Davis, Linda C. McCarthy

Representative graphical plots of cell count data from a subject of genotype group GG and genotype AA are shown, for each of the four culture conditions.
