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Five stages of the iterative research process during which ethical considerations are relevant.

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posted on 2024-01-31, 18:28 authored by Remy Hoek Spaans, Bruna Drumond, Kim Robin van Daalen, Ana Claudia Rorato Vitor, Alison Derbyshire, Adriano Da Silva, Raquel Martins Lana, Mauricio Santos Vega, Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar, Maria Isabel Sobral Escada, Claudia Codeço, Rachel Lowe

The process through which ethical guidance within the research community is created and updated. In the context of drone use for remote sampling, this entails 1) creating a theoretical understanding of drone technology within research and corresponding ethical considerations, 2) the creation of ethical guidelines by institutions, which are then 3) applied by researchers when designing a new study, followed by 4) an assessment of the study by an ethical committee for approval, after which 5) the study is implemented in line with appropriate ethical practice which could involve mention of specific community engagement activities. When new ethical questions, information, or best practices are identified during the study, they will then contribute to further understanding of 1) theoretical ethical considerations.
