S5_HabitatSuitabilityMap_Paramuricea.tif (670.45 kB)

Figure S7 - Habitat suitability map for Paramuricea clavata.

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Version 2 2015-11-23, 09:39
Version 1 2015-11-23, 09:20
posted on 2015-11-23, 09:20 authored by Joana BoavidaJoana Boavida, Jorge AssisJorge Assis, Inga B. Silva, Ester A Serrão

This is the supplementary figure S6 of a scientific article explaining the ecological niche of the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. In this raster image the habitat suitability map is depicted. Should be classified with a gradient from very low (0.2) to very high (1) suitability. Can be visualized in any GIS software.
