
Figure S5 - Heatmap of genes in Arginine and Proline Metabolism

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posted on 2017-08-18, 12:32 authored by Scott G. DanielScott G. Daniel, Corbie L. Ball, David G. Besselsen, Tom Doetschman, Bonnie L. Hurwitz
Log2 fold changes (Log2FC) of genes in the Arginine and Proline metabolism pathway of various comparisons: Smad3-/- effect (S-H- vs. S+H-), H. hepaticus effect (S+H+ vs. S+H-), and combined effect (S-H+ vs. S+H-). Fold changes are mapped to a Blue-Yellow color spectrum with bright yellow having the greatest increase in RNA counts and bright blue having the greatest decrease in RNA counts in the given condition versus control. Gene names (as provided by KEGG orthology) are listed in the lefthand column and EC numbers are in the righthand column (some EC numbers do not have gene names).


Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF4491) to BLH, Cancer Biology Training Grant (CA09213) to CLB, and HD026471, AI067903 and CA084291 to TD.
