pone.0252225.g008.tif (1.07 MB)

Fig 8 -

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posted on 2021-06-09, 17:43 authored by Jasmine Lundy, Lea Drieu, Antonino Meo, Viva Sacco, Lucia Arcifa, Elena Pezzini, Veronica Aniceti, Girolamo Fiorentino, Michelle Alexander, Paola Orecchioni, Alessandra Mollinari, Martin O. H. Carver, Oliver E. Craig

Summary figure of organic substances identified in pottery vessels from (a) CSP, (b) GA, (c) PB and (d) CLESP. Identification criteria of different commodities (ruminant dairy, ruminant adipose, non-ruminant, unidentified plant, plant oils, plant wax, beeswax, pine products, fruit products and grape products) are outlined in the text. Those not analysed for fruit acids are shown (/). Non-ruminant, ruminant and dairy were assigned based on Δ13C values. In one case both ruminant and dairy were identified based on clear dairy TAG distribution. Where P is noted in non-ruminant this refers to samples tentatively assigned to porcine. Specific taxonomy of plant waxes is indicated brassica (1), leek (2) and broadleaf sternum or fennel (3). In pine products pitch is indicated by (*). Evidence of heating was presumed in the presence of ketones C31, C33 and C35 [78] and/or APAAs [112, 113]. Vessel drawings used as examples based on actual vessels from CSP and PB [33, 34].
