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Fig 6 -

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posted on 2021-05-20, 17:36 authored by Anna Laura Herzog, Holger K. von Jouanne-Diedrich, Christoph Wanner, Dirk Weismann, Tobias Schlesinger, Patrick Meybohm, Jan Stumpner

a, b: Outcome and its correlation with proteinuria. CKD 1: Restitution to initial function, CKD 2: Remaining new onset or worsening of existing chronic kidney disease, CKD 3: Remaining KRT. Sel. 1: None, 2: 30 mg/gCrea– 300 mg/gCrea, 3: >300 mg/gCrea, Outcome 1: Death, 2: Remaining illness, 3: Recovery. b, Confusion matrix with distribution of the predicted values in absolute numbers. Relative (not shown) describes the percentage deviation.
