pcbi.1009476.g005.tif (633.6 kB)

Fig 5 -

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posted on 2021-10-08, 17:32 authored by Rupamanjari Majumder, Sayedeh Hussaini, Vladimir S. Zykov, Stefan Luther, Eberhard Bodenschatz

A-C Effect of applying a light pulse (0.092 mW/mm2, 1000 ms) to a plane wave in a 512 × 10 pseudo-1D domain. D-F Rapid recovery of the wave tail (indicated by bold red arrows) along the line y = 5 of the domain, immediately after the light is turned off. The wave profile reshapes and widens the spatial window of vulnerability (gray rectangle in F). The colored panel in each sub-figure illustrates the wave profile as it propagates through the domain.
