pone.0246833.g005.tif (315.15 kB)

Fig 5 -

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posted on 2021-02-19, 18:47 authored by Annika Herrero, Cornelya F. C. Klütsch, Katja Holmala, Simo N. Maduna, Alexander Kopatz, Hans Geir Eiken, Snorre B. Hagen

Comparison of lynx relatedness estimates among genetic clusters (A) and geographical regions (B). Abbreviations: CL1F = cluster 1 females, CL2F = cluster 2 females, ADXF = admixed females, CL1M = cluster 1 males, CL2 = cluster 2 males, ADXM = admixed males. WEST = western geographical region, CENTRAL = geographical region situated in the centre of the distribution range, EAST = eastern geographical region. The upper (U) and lower (L) boundaries for the 95% confidence interval for the null hypothesis of random distribution is given as red lines, the bootstrap errors are displayed as whiskers.
