pone.0293627.g004.tif (184.85 kB)

Fig 4 -

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posted on 2024-01-11, 18:25 authored by Ananda de Mesquita Araújo, Sandra Fernandes Arruda

The mRNA levels of Pck1 (PEPCK), Prkaa1 (AMPK-ɑ1), Prkaa2 (AMPK-ɑ2) and Slc2a2 (GLUT2) (A) and Phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1) and Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) specific activity (B) in the liver of rats treated for 8-weeks with one of the following diets: CT: rats fed control diet AIN-93G; HF: rats fed a high-fat diet; TUC(-): rats not treated with Tucum-do-Cerrado; TUC(+): rats treated with Tucum-do-Cerrado. CT(-): rats fed control diet AIN-93G; CT(+): rats fed a control diet AIN-93G added of Tucum-do-Cerrado; HF(-): rats fed a high-fat diet; HF(+): rats fed a high-fat diet added of Tucum-do-Cerrado. Values are means and 95% confidence interval (CI), n = 5/group. For diet or Tucum-do-Cerrado effect: within the diet type and within the Tucum-do-Cerrado addition (+) or not (-), data without a common letter differ (P < 0.05). For diet x Tucum-do-Cerrado interaction: Different lowercase lettersa,b indicate differences for control vs. high-fat within Tucum-do-Cerrado addition (+) or not (-); and different capital lettersA,B indicate differences for addition (+) vs. not addition (-) of Tucum-do-Cerrado within control or high-fat diets (P < 0.05). Two-way ANOVA P values for the following comparisons: Diet: control vs. high-fat diet; Tucum: with vs. without addition of Tucum-do-Cerrado independent of diet type; Diet x Tucum: interaction between diet type vs addition of Tucum-do-Cerrado.
