pone.0293917.g004.tif (229.95 kB)

Fig 4 -

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posted on 2023-11-09, 18:48 authored by Logan Wade, Laurie Needham, Murray Evans, Polly McGuigan, Steffi Colyer, Darren Cosker, James Bilzon

Frontal plane joint centre locations over the whole stride (A), calculated using repeated measures Bland-Altman bias and SD of bias. Frontal plane joint centre locations were time normalised and within stride mean and SD differences were calculated (B) between markerless and marker-based motion capture for each joint averaged over all trials. Vertical lines in Fig 4B represent end of the stance phase (toe-off). All values were normalised to the vertical distance in pixels (height) between the left and right shoulder and hip joint centre locations of the participant, for every frame in each individual trial.
