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Fig 4 -

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posted on 2021-10-08, 17:32 authored by Rupamanjari Majumder, Sayedeh Hussaini, Vladimir S. Zykov, Stefan Luther, Eberhard Bodenschatz

A-E Effect of applying a light pulse (filled yellow rectangle) (0.092 mW/mm2, 100 ms) to different phases of an action potential (AP). A0 and A1 refer to the APD90 values of the unperturbed and perturbed AP, respectively. F Dependency of A1/A0 on the percentage of repolarization of the cell membrane at the start of stimulation (for different PWs). G PW-dependence of the percentage repolarization, at the start of a stimulation that causes maximum increase (blue) or decrease (brown) in APD90. The dashed blue and brown lines on A correlate the findings in (G) to real values of the membrane voltage. The blue and brown arrows in A indicate where the light stimulus should be applied in order to achieve maximum increase or decrease in APD90, respectively.
