pone.0249143.g004.tif (606.8 kB)

Fig 4 -

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posted on 2021-09-02, 17:48 authored by Kimberly VanderWaal, Lora Black, Judy Hodge, Addisalem Bedada, Scott Dee

Output of stochastic models for plants that experienced large outbreaks (Plants B and C), showing (left) the cumulative proportion at-home sick or recovered, and (right) the smoothed daily incidence of clinical cases (4-day moving average). For both cumulative proportions and incidence plots, observed clinical case data are shown in red. Model predictions are based on the median (colored lines) and 50% prediction interval (shaded area) summarized from 1000 runs of the stochastic model. Black dots indicate the observed proportion IgG-positive, with whiskers showing standard error of estimates.
