pone.0300324.g003.tif (409.36 kB)

Fig 3 -

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posted on 2024-03-18, 17:27 authored by Cheyenne C. E. van Hagen, Anne J. Huiberts, Elizabeth N. Mutubuki, Hester E. de Melker, Eric R. A. Vos, Janneke H. H. M. van de Wijgert, Susan van den Hof, Mirjam J. Knol, Albert Jan van Hoek

Mental health (MCS) in PICO and VASCO in four periods by age group and sex (A) and by age group and medical risk condition (B). Mean scores per study over the four periods are visualized by the red line.* Even though MCS scores can range from 0 to 100 (population average 50), y-axis ranges from 40 to 60 to better visualize differences.
