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Fig 3 -

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posted on 2023-01-04, 18:22 authored by Erik C. Krieger, Aleluia Taise, Wendy A. Nelson, Johan Grand, Eric Le Ru, Simon K. Davy, Christopher E. Cornwall

Maximum relative electron transport (rETRmax) in Corallina/Arthrocardia “robust”, Corallina complex 1, Corallina complex 2 and Phymatolithopsis complex before the impact phase (t4) (a), immediately after the impact phase (t6) (b) and at the end of the recovery phase at t8 (c). Points show individual values. Solid line indicates the median, box shows the interquartile range (IQR) and the whiskers are 1.5×IQR. Colours indicate treatments (dark-grey = ambient [16°C]; light-grey = amb.+MHW [16°C+2.7°C at t5], coral = future [18.7°C], dark-red = fut.+MHW [18.7°C+2.7°C at t5]). “Pre”, “imp” and “rec” denotes the three experimental phases (pre-impact, impact and recovery).
