pone.0263377.g003.tif (1.51 MB)

Fig 3 -

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posted on 2022-02-02, 18:33 authored by Stephanie M. Bilodeau, Austin W. H. Schwartz, Binfeng Xu, V. Paúl Pauca, Miles R. Silman

Empty (left) and fish-filled (right) images captured at the same camera site within 24 hours. The empty or “NoFish” photo was assigned only a 0.09 probability of containing a fish by our ResNet-50 model, whereas the model predicted a 0.88 probability of the second photo containing at least one fish, hence its “Fish” designation. Probabilities like these were used to sort images into “Fish” and “NoFish” categories to streamline further analysis. Reprinted from [39] under a CC BY license with permission.
