pone.0255424.g003.tif (376.6 kB)

Fig 3 -

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posted on 2021-08-05, 17:29 authored by Andra Coldea, Stephanie Morand, Domenica Veniero, Monika Harvey, Gregor Thut

No tACS effects on hemifield bias A. Measure of spatial bias across simulation and validity conditions (RTLeft hemifield−RTRight hemifield). A positive value indicates a rightward bias (i.e. faster RTs in the right hemifield), whereas a negative value indicates a leftward bias (i.e. faster RTs in the left hemifield). The average values for each condition are superimposed with individual data points of each participant. Error bars represent 95% confidence interval corrected for a within subjects design [46]. B. Stimulation effect per participant on spatial bias (RTBias10Hz tACS−RTBiassham). A negative value means that participants had a greater leftward (more negative) spatial bias with 10 Hz stimulation as compared to sham (expected direction). C. Change in the measure of spatial bias across the 4 experimental blocks (~5 min). The plot displays the average spatial bias per block and the lines represent the standard error, where a positive value of bias indicates a rightward bias. There was no significant difference between the stimulation conditions with time-on-task.
