pone.0255699.g003.tif (260.66 kB)

Fig 3 -

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posted on 2021-08-03, 17:25 authored by Bente Øvrebø, Ingunn H. Bergh, Tonje H. Stea, Elling Bere, Pål Surén, Per M. Magnus, Petur B. Juliusson, Andrew K. Wills

Marginal predicted* mean BMI IOTF z-score by sex (left), region (middle) and population density (right). BMI: Body mass index; IOTF, International Obesity Task Force; S-E: South-East; Semi: Semi-urban. *Marginal estimates predicted from the random effect regression models, n = 1852, 3317 observations = 3317. The shaded area is the 95% confidence interval. IOTF z-score: Age- and sex-specific standardized z-score calculated from the IOTF LMS parameters.
