pone.0240763.g003.tif (903.66 kB)

Fig 3 -

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posted on 2021-02-09, 18:29 authored by Jennifer Zehner, Anja Røyne, Pawel Sikorski

(a-f) Growth process of calcite seeds. Images are taken with a CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscope). Images are taken (a) 1 min before the growth process started, and (b) 1 min (c) 3 min (d) 6 min, (e) 11 min and (f) 14 min after the growth process started. (g) Finished crystal. The original fluorescent calcite seed (originated from an abiotic process) had a fluorescent dye incorporated and was visualized with CLSM. The scale-bar is 10 μm.
