pone.0297901.g002.tif (335.29 kB)

Fig 2 -

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posted on 2024-02-28, 18:21 authored by Octavio A. Lecona, América G. Arroyo-Valerio, Nallely Bueno-Hernández, José Damian Carrillo-Ruíz, Luis Ruelas, René Márquez-Franco, Alejandro Aguado-García, Eira Valeria Barrón, Galileo Escobedo, Elizabeth Ibarra-Coronado, Paola V. Olguín-Rodríguez, Antonio Barajas-Martínez, Ana Leonor Rivera, Ruben Fossion

Box-whisker charts of MANOVA scores, for (a) the factor Susceptibility (p>0.05), (b) the factor Sex (p<0.001) and (c) the interaction Susceptibility × Sex (p = 0.033). Baseline values are shown for male and female participants who remained seronegative (M- and F-), or who were found to have been infected (M+ and F+), during a follow-up study six months later. Outliers are shown explicitly (black dots).
