pone.0296350.g002.tif (562.3 kB)

Fig 2 -

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posted on 2024-02-23, 18:49 authored by Ahmed F. A. Ghareeb, James C. Foutz, Gustavo H. Schneiders, Jennifer N. Richter, Marie C. Milfort, Alberta L. Fuller, Romdhane Rekaya, Samuel E. Aggrey

A. Heatmap of the top ~60 DEGs of TNc vs. HSc, calculated as Log 2 relative hit counts of the comparison between the chickens exposed to HS (HSc) and their thermoneutral control (TNc) at 6 day-post-treatment. B. The top KEGG pathways of TNc vs. HSc, based on the pathway term significance (α≤0.1) of the comparison between the chickens exposed to HS (HSc) and their thermoneutral control (TNc) at 6 day-post-treatment. The green squares and arrowheads depict the downregulated pathways and genes, respectively. The red circles and arrowheads depict the upregulated pathways and genes, respectively. The bigger size squares and circles denote the lower p-value. An increase in the color transparency (lighter color) of the squares and circles indicates an increase in the percentage of the included genes with expression that counter the regulation direction of the pathway. C. The top significant KEGG pathways of TNc vs. HSc, the comparison between the chickens exposed to HS (HSc) and their thermoneutral control (TNc) at 6 day-post-treatment. D. The top significant Gene Ontology terms of TNc vs. HSc, the comparison between the chickens exposed to HS (HSc) and their thermoneutral control (TNc) at 6 day-post-treatment.
