pone.0258469.g002.tif (866.91 kB)

Fig 2 -

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posted on 2021-10-14, 17:41 authored by Andrew T. Marshall, Rob McConnell, Bruce P. Lanphear, Wesley K. Thompson, Megan M. Herting, Elizabeth R. Sowell

Regional associations between subcortical volume and risk of lead exposure (top) or area deprivation index (ADI) (bottom). For lead risk, these associations, correcting for false-discovery rate (FDR), were significant for mid-posterior, central, and mid-anterior corpus callosum. For ADI, subcortical gray matter, cerebellum cortex, accumbens area (not shown in this image), and amygdala. Regions are color-coded in correspondence to the effect size (i.e., partial correlation coefficient) of lead risk (top) and ADI (bottom), controlling for age, sex, parental education, race, ethnicity, family income, intracranial volume, and the interaction between family income and either lead risk or ADI. Regions with bolded outlines passed FDR correction. Blue-shaded regions indicate inverse associations between lead risk (or ADI) and volume (e.g., greater lead risk, lesser volume), while red-shaded regions indicate positive correlations (e.g., greater lead risk, greater volume). These images were generated in MATLAB using data from the ggseg toolbox in R [57]. 3v = 3rd ventricle; 4v = 4th ventricle; Am = amygdala; Bs = brain stem; C = caudate; CCa = anterior corpus callosum; CCc = central corpus callosum; CCma = mid-anterior corpus callosum; CCmp = mid-posterior corpus callosum; CCp = posterior corpus callosum; CeCo = cerebellum cortex; CeWm = cerebellum white matter; H = hippocampus; Lv = lateral ventricle; Pa = pallidum; P = putamen; Th = thalamus; V = ventral diencephalon.
