pone.0241098.g002.tif (1.26 MB)

Fig 2 -

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posted on 2021-04-09, 17:22 authored by Prateek Dey, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Indrani Sarkar, Swapna Devi Ray, Padmanabhan Pramod, Venkata Hanumat Sastry Kochiganti, Goldin Quadros, Saurabh Singh Rathore, Vikram Singh, Ram Pratap Singh

(A) Position-specific nucleotide usage in P. cyanocephala mitogenome. (B) Roseplot based on codon usage of P. cyanocephala mitogenome. (C) Roseplot based on amino acid usage of P. cyanocephala mitogenome. (D) RSCU analysis of P. cyanocephala mitogenome. X-axis represents the codon families with different colour patches. Cumulative codon fraction is plotted on Y-axis. (E) ENC vs GC3 plot revealed the analyzed mitogenomes are translationally efficient and natural selection was playing a crucial role on their evolution.
