pone.0247718.g002.tif (524.79 kB)

Fig 2 -

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posted on 2021-02-25, 18:38 authored by Tiago A. C. C. Silva, Simon P. Quigley, Lisa J. Kidd, Stephen T. Anderson, Stuart R. McLennan, Dennis P. Poppi

Dry matter (DM) intake and liveweight gain of Holstein-Friesian (a and b) and Brahman crossbred (c and d) steers fed high crude protein and high metabolizable energy content (HCP-HME), high CP and low ME content (HCP-LME) and low CP and low ME content (LCP-LME) diets throughout the experiment. The different nutritional treatments were imposed from day 1 until day 103 (Phase 1), after that all steers were fed HCP-HME ad libitum until day 203 (Phase 2). Dashed grey line represents the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2. Error bars represents standard error of the mean.
