pone.0257763.g001.tif (5.25 MB)

Fig 1 -

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posted on 2021-09-23, 17:36 authored by Hooshang Faghihi, Alireza Mahmoudi, Elias Khalili Pour, Nazanin Ebrahimiadib, Kaveh Fadakar, Fariba Ghassemi, Ahmad Mirshahi, Alireza Khodabande, Hassan Khojasteh, Fatemeh Bazvand, Mohammadreza Mehrabi Bahar, Hamid Riazi-Esfahani

Right eye EDI-OCT and OCTA images of chronic CSC in a patient with avascular FIPED (A-D) and a patient with vascularized FIPED (E-H). A and E show corresponding EDI-OCT scanning foveal area, B and F show corresponding choroidal vasculature overlay performed with the Sonoda’s technique. C and G show the flow overlay of the OCTA B-scan in the foveal area, G illustrates the flow in the FIPED area. D and H show OCTA enface images, outer retina, and choriocapillaris slabs. H reveals the CNV in both slabs in vascularized FIPED. FIPED: Flat irregular pigment epithelial detachment.
