pone.0254170.g001.tif (3.09 MB)

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posted on 2021-07-22, 17:49 authored by Amgad A. Saleh, Anwar H. Sharafaddin, Mahmoud H. El_Komy, Yasser E. Ibrahim, Younis K. Hamad

(A) Disease severity rating scale, (B) Reisolation of Fusarium strains from above-ground parts of inoculated date palm seedlings. (A) Disease severity rating scale from 0 to 4 according to the visible symptoms on Sheeshee seedlings inoculated with different strains of F. proliferatum, where 0 = healthy (no observable disease symptoms), 1 = shrinking of one leaf, 2 = stunting and shrinking of one or two leaves, 3 = stunting and shrinking of two leaves with one leaf died, 4 = completely dead seedling. (B) Reisolation of Fusarium strains from above-ground parts of inoculated seedlings. The average recovery of a fungal strain was calculated by summing plant pieces that showed the fungal growth and divided by the total number of pieces used for fungal isolation. Plates I, II, III, and IV show average recovery values of 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, for different Fusarium strains.
