pone.0261915.g002.tif (2.71 MB)

Femoral bone histology.

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posted on 2021-12-28, 19:08 authored by Rodrigo Leandro Tomassini, María Dolores Pesquero, Mariana Carolina Garrone, María Dolores Marin-Monfort, Ignacio Alejandro Cerda, José Luis Prado, Claudia Inés Montalvo, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo, María Teresa Alberdi

(A). LACMHC 27421. ICL showing lamellar bone. Note the high remodeling of the fibrolamellar bone with some secondary osteons. (B). Detail of fibrolamellar bone showing primary osteons in circular rows, circumferentially oriented canals, and some secondary osteons. Abbreviations: cc. circumferentially oriented canals. FLB. fibrolamellar bone. LB. lamellar bone. mc. medullary cavity. PO. primary osteons. SO. secondary osteons. Images obtained under normal polarized light.
