pone.0247079.g003.tif (841.4 kB)

Features of lymph node metastasis in T2 and T3 gallbladder cancer.

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posted on 2021-02-12, 18:38 authored by Koya Yasukawa, Akira Shimizu, Hiroaki Motoyama, Koji Kubota, Tsuyoshi Notake, Shinsuke Sugenoya, Kiyotaka Hosoda, Hikaru Hayashi, Ryoichiro Kobayashi, Yuji Soejima

A. In T2p, if cystic duct lymph node was negative, downstream lymph nodes were also negative status. B. In T2h, even if CDN was negative, downstream lymph nodes were not negative. C, D. Even if CDN was negative, downstream lymph nodes were not negative. P, peritoneal-side; H, hepatic-side; +, lymph node positive; -, lymph node negative.
