pcbi.1011896.g002.tif (696.67 kB)

Fano factor of single neurons and of populations.

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posted on 2024-02-23, 19:15 authored by Tomas Barta, Lubomir Kostal

A-C: Mean Fano factor of individual neurons for different values of Pext: 0.01 (A), 0.2 (B), 1 (C). The strength of the recurrent synapses (arec) is color-coded. The mean Fano factor increases with the strength of the recurrent synapses. D-F: Same as in A-C but for the Fano factor of the population activity. The points represent the population Fano factor obtained from the simulation, and the lines are a weighted 7th-degree polynomial, used only as a visual aid. For Pext = 0.01, the increase in Fano factor of individual neurons (A) can have a stronger effect on the population Fano factor than decreasing the pairwise correlations, resulting in an increase of the population Fano factor with high values of arec (D). For higher values of Pext, the pairwise correlations greatly increase the population Fano factor, which then decreases with increasing arec.
