pgen.1009857.s002.tif (3.28 MB)

Extension phenotype of wild-type flies over time.

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posted on 2021-11-03, 17:24 authored by Weiyue Ji, Lani F. Wu, Steven J. Altschuler

Representative images of bundles from wild-type flies from 22 to 36 hrs APF. Left: Raw images of representative bundles. From left to right: FasII channel labeling the target cells; 24B10 channel labeling membrane of all R cells; GFP channel labeling membrane of R4 cells; RFP channel labeling membrane of R3 or R4 cells. Right: Density maps of GFP (R4 cells) and RFP channel (R3 or R4 cells) after coordinate transformation. For visualization, intensity is scaled differently for each channel and for each sample. R-cells and targets are indicated and colored as in S1B Fig; white circles: T0; gray circles: other targets. Yellow arrowheads: R4 growth cones; red arrows: R3 growth cones. Scale bars: 5 μm for FasII, GFP and RFP images; 1 μm for 24B10 images.

