pone.0247134.g001.tif (410.28 kB)

Expression of recombinant VP2 in N. benthamiana.

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posted on 2021-02-16, 18:38 authored by Carla Marusic, Charifa Drissi Touzani, Alessio Bortolami, Marcello Donini, Claudia Zanardello, Chiara Lico, Emile Rage, Siham Fellahi, Mohammed El Houadfi, Calogero Terregino, Selene Baschieri

A) Schematic representation of pBI-His-pVP2 and p35:AMCV-P19 constructs used for plant agroinfiltration. 35S: CaMV 35S promoter; Ω: TMV translational enhancer sequence; His-pVP2: sequence encoding the first 466 aa of the pVP2 protein N-terminally fused to His-tag; P19: sequence encoding the AMCV p19 gene-silencing suppressor; nos-t: nopaline synthase gene terminator. B) Evaluation by ELISA of His-pVP2 expression in agroinfiltrated leaf extracts at different time points (5, 6, 7, 8 DPI). Fifty μg of TSP extracted from agroinfiltrated leaves were distributed in triplicate into the wells and His-pVP2 was detected with an anti-VP2 antibody. The reported values are the mean of three independent experiments, and error bars represent SD of the means. C+: inactivated IBDV; C-: p19 plant extract. C) Western blot analysis of His-pVP2 expression in leaves extract at 7 DPI. Ten μg of TSP were separated by 11% SDS-PAGE and His-pVP2 was detected using an anti-VP2 serum. C+: inactivated IBDV; C-: P19 agroinfiltrated leaf extract. His-pVP2: His-pVP2 agronfiltrated leaf extract. The arrow indicates the band corresponding to His-pVP2 while the asterisk a possible degradation product.
